The color of the folder in Linux system can generate visual effect and distinguish different types of documents. In normal Linux system, the directory will be displayed in green which may surprise some people who know a little about it. So why does Linux folder turns green?
Generally, the font color of Linux folder turns green for the sake of distinguishability. Generally, on most Linux systems, the directory is colored in green and the executable file will be colored in cyan, which has been designed by the system. If need to change the color of files and folders, as one of the access permission management system, the administrator must use root to manually modify the color of the directory.
The change of the font color in Linux directories is different from the android system. Under the android system, generally, when we click the text area in the file management, the background of the directory which contains texts will turn to be light green. However, in the Linux system, although the font color could not be changed, we can change its background color.
To change the background color of the file manager, we need to edit the configuration file of Linux. We should change the content of the background file in the configuration directory of Linux, and this file should start by “LS_colors”. After that, the new color of the background in the file manager will take effect.
In addition, to make sure the new color of directory have taken effect, we need to use the command __dircolors – p__ to load the environment variable. It will automatically recognize the file type in corresponding configuration.
Generally, the Linux directory turns green for the sake of distinguishability. In this way, it will be more convenient for us to search for what we need. There are few limitations to the font color, we just need to edit the relevant content of the configuration file and take the commond.