

on Linux Systems

Linux, an open-source operating system, is widely used in servers, embedded systems, and mobile devices. For security reasons, it is important to configure the firewall properly and keep it activated. However, if you need to control access to the system using a different tool, or if you need to disable the firewall to troubleshoot network issues, it is necessary to know how to turn off the firewall on Linux systems.

1. Stop the Firewall

The first step when disabling Linux’s firewall is to stop the service. For most distributions, the firewall is managed by Systemd, meaning the systemctl command can be used. Depending on the Linux distribution, you can use either the iptables or firewalld service. In the case of iptables, the service can be stopped with the following command:

sudo systemctl stop iptables

Where as for firewalld:

sudo systemctl stop firewalld

2. Disable the Firewall

Once the service is stopped, it is necessary to disable the firewall so that it doesn’t restart automatically. Specifically, you must stop the service from starting automatically by running the next command:

sudo systemctl disable iptables

The same command can be used for firewalld. Additionally, if you are using, for example, iptables, you can clear the rules that are currently enabled. To do this, run the commands:

sudo iptables -F

sudo iptables -X

sudo iptables -t nat -F

sudo iptables -t nat -X

sudo iptables -t mangle -F

sudo iptables -t mangle -X

sudo iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT

sudo iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT

sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT

3. Check the Firewall Status

To make sure the firewall is actually disabled, you can check its current status with the command:

sudo systemctl status iptables

This should return the message “active (exited).” This means that the firewall is disabled and not running. If the message isn’t “active (exited),” then the firewall didn’t stop or disable properly.


It is important to keep the Linux system’s firewall active at all times, however there are certain scenarios where it is necessary to disable the firewall. It is important to understand how to turn off Linux’s firewall in such scenarios. This can be done with the Systemctl command, and be double checked that it is actually disabled.



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