如何在Linux系统中获取上个月的最后一天日期?How to Obtain the Last Day of Last Month in Linux System? (linux获取上月末日期)

How to Obtn the Last Day of Last Month in Linux System?

As we all know, Linux is a popular and powerful operating system that is widely used in various fields. However, when it comes to obtning the last day of last month in Linux, many users may feel confused and helpless. In fact, there are several methods to achieve this goal, and this article will introduce these methods in detl.

Method 1: Using the ‘date’ Command

The ‘date’ command is a powerful tool in Linux that allows users to display or set the system date and time. To get the last day of last month, we can use the following command:

date -d “$(date +%Y-%m-01) -1 day” +%Y-%m-%d

In this command, ‘date +%Y-%m-01’ is used to obtn the first day of the current month, and ‘-1 day’ is used to subtract one day from it, which means we get the last day of last month. Finally, the ‘+%Y-%m-%d’ is used to format the result as ‘yyyy-mm-dd’.

Method 2: Using the ‘cal’ Command

The ‘cal’ command is another useful tool in Linux that is used to display the calendar of the specified month or year. To obtn the last day of last month using the ‘cal’ command, we can use the following command:

cal $(($(date +%m)-1)) $(date +%Y) | awk ‘NF {DAYS = $NF}; END {print DAYS}’

In this command, ‘$(($(date +%m)-1))’ is used to get the month before the current month, ‘$(date +%Y)’ is used to get the current year, and ‘awk ‘NF {DAYS = $NF}; END {print DAYS}’’ is used to get the last non-empty field in the output, which represents the last day of last month.

Method 3: Using the ‘dateutils’ Package

The ‘dateutils’ package is a collection of tools that can be used to perform various operations on dates and times. To obtn the last day of last month using the ‘dateutils’ package, we can use the following command:

dateutils.dseq $(date +%Y-%m-01 -d “last month”) eom -f %Y-%m-%d

In this command, ‘$(date +%Y-%m-01 -d “last month”)’ is used to obtn the first day of last month, ‘eom’ is used to obtn the end of the month, and ‘-f %Y-%m-%d’ is used to format the result as ‘yyyy-mm-dd’.


In summary, there are several methods to obtn the last day of last month in Linux, including using the ‘date’ command, the ‘cal’ command, and the ‘dateutils’ package. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and users can choose the one that suits them best. With these methods, obtning the last day of last month in Linux will no longer be a problem for users.


  • linux shell 获取是一个时间段的日期

linux shell 获取是一个时间段的日期



beg_date=`date -d “$1” +%s`

end_date=`date -d “$2″燃李 +%s`

if >||>;then

echo “Usage: $0 YYYYMMDD YYYYMMDD”

exit 0;


if ${end_date} >>;then

echo “The end_date

exit 0;


for (( i=${beg_date};i


date -d @${i} +%Y%m%d



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