Linux555只能读取文件,无法修改——详解只读模式 (linux555是只读)

Linux 555 can only read files and cannot modify them – an in-depth explanation of read-only mode

Linux is a highly popular and versatile operating system, widely used in servers, supercomputers, embedded systems, and personal computers. One of its defining features is the powerful and flexible file system, which allows users to store, organize, and access data in various ways. However, sometimes users need to restrict the ability to modify files, either to protect them from accidental or malicious changes, or to ensure their integrity, consistency, or compatibility. In Linux, this can be achieved by using the read-only mode, which sets the permissions of a file or folder to 555, meaning that only the owner and other users can read the content, but not write, delete, or execute it. In this article, we will explore the read-only mode in Linux, its benefits, limitations, and usage scenarios.

Setting up the read-only mode

Before we delve into the detls of the read-only mode, let us refresh our memory on how Linux file permissions work. Linux assigns each file and folder three types of permissions: read, write, and execute, which can be granted or denied to three categories of users: owner, group, and others. The permissions are represented by three digits, from 0 to 7, where 0 means no permission, 4 means read, 2 means write, and 1 means execute. For example, the permission 755 means read, write, and execute for the owner, and read and execute for other users. By default, the owner of a file is the user who creates it, and the group is the primary group of the user, although they can be changed by specific commands.

To set a file or folder to the read-only mode, we need to assign the permission 555 to it. This means read and execute for all users, and no write permission. We can use the chmod command to modify the permission of a file or folder, for example:


chmod 555 myfile.txt


This command sets the permission of the file myfile.txt to 555. Note that the chmod command can also be used with symbolic notation, such as:


chmod a-x myfile.txt


This command removes the execute permission from all users for the file myfile.txt, but keeps the read permission. Alternatively, we can use the plus and minus signs to add or remove permissions, like:


chmod u+x myfile.txt


This command adds the execute permission to the owner of the file myfile.txt.

Benefits of the read-only mode

The read-only mode has several advantages, depending on the context of its usage. First and foremost, it provides a simple and effective way to protect files from unwanted modifications. In shared environments, where multiple users or processes may access the same files, read-only mode can prevent conflicts and errors caused by concurrent changes. Moreover, read-only mode can enhance the security of sensitive files, such as configuration files, system binaries, or personal data, by making them immutable to unauthorized users or viruses. This can reduce the risk of data breaches, malware infections, or accidental data loss.

Another benefit of the read-only mode is that it enables better version control and data preservation. By making files read-only, we can ensure that the data they contn remns unchanged, even if we update or replace the software or hardware that uses them. This can be useful for archival or research purposes, where the accuracy and consistency of data are crucial. Moreover, read-only mode can help detect data tampering or corruption, as any attempt to modify or delete a read-only file will fl or trigger an alert.

Limitations of the read-only mode

While the read-only mode can be a useful tool, it also has some drawbacks and limitations. The mn limitation is that it cannot prevent all types of modifications, especially those performed by privileged users or processes. For example, the root user, who has full administrative access to the system, can modify or delete any file, regardless of its permissions. Similarly, some system settings, such as file ownership or system logs, require write access, and cannot be set to read-only mode without compromising the functionality of the system. Therefore, read-only mode should not be considered a foolproof protection mechani, but rather as a complementary measure to other security and backup strategies.

Another limitation of the read-only mode is that it can interfere with some applications or scripts that require write access to certn files. For example, some programs may need to write temporary files, logs, or cache data, and if these files are set to read-only mode, the program may malfunction or crash. Similarly, some scripts may use the touch command to create empty files, but if the destination directory is read-only, the command will fl. Therefore, it is important to carefully choose which files or folders to set to read-only mode, and to test the behavior of the system or application after the change.

Usage scenarios of the read-only mode

The read-only mode can be used in many different scenarios, depending on the specific requirements and constrnts of the system. Here are some examples:

– Server hardening: In a server environment, read-only mode can be used to protect system files, configuration files, and sensitive data from unauthorized modifications or corruption.

– Shared folders: In a collaborative workspace, read-only mode can be used to prevent accidental or malicious changes to shared documents, presentations, or spreadsheets.

– Public kiosks: In a public or semi-public setting, such as a library or a museum, read-only mode can be used to ensure the integrity and reliability of information displays, interactive exhibits, or multimedia presentations.

– Digital forensics: In a forensic investigation, read-only mode can be used to preserve the original state of digital evidence, such as hard drives, memory dumps, or network captures, without modifying or contaminating them.


The read-only mode is a powerful and flexible feature of Linux, which can be used to protect files and folders from unwanted modifications, enhance data integrity and consistency, and facilitate version control and archival. However, it also has some limitations and constrnts, such as the inability to prevent modifications by privileged users, the potential interference with some applications, and the need for careful selection and testing of files to be set to read-only mode. Therefore, it is important to understand the purpose and scope of the read-only mode, and to use it in combination with other security measures, such as access control, encryption, backups, and monitoring, to achieve a robust and reliable system.


  • linux下upload录取里怎么快捷设置目录权限为读、执行,文件权限为只读?



find upload -type d -exec chmod 555 {} \; #找到所有文件夹,设置权限为读执行

find upload -type f -exec chmod 444 {} \; #找到所有文件,设置权限为只读




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