如何在Linux服务器上配置网络连接 (linux服务器怎么联网)

How to Configure Network Connections on a Linux Server

When it comes to setting up and mntning a Linux server, configuring network connections is one of the most fundamental tasks you’ll need to know. Whether you’re connecting locally or remotely, setting up a reliable and secure network connection is critical to your server’s performance and stability. In this article, we’ll guide you through the basic steps to configure network connections on a Linux server.

Step 1: Check Your Network Interfaces

Before configuring your network connections, it’s important to first make sure that your network interfaces are properly set up. You can check your network interfaces by running the following command in the terminal:

$ ifconfig

This command will display a list of all the network interfaces on your server, along with their IP addresses and other relevant information. Make sure that all your network interfaces are in the ‘UP’ state, and that they have valid IP addresses assigned to them.

Step 2: Set Up Network Connection Settings

Next, you’ll need to configure your network connection settings. Depending on your server setup, you may need to manually set your network settings or use DHCP to automatically configure them for you.

To manually set your network settings, you can use the ‘ifconfig’ command to configure your network interface with a specific IP address, netmask, and gateway:

$ sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask up

$ sudo route add default gw

In this example, we’re setting the IP address of ‘eth0’ to ‘’, the netmask to ‘’, and the gateway to ‘’. Be sure to replace these values with your own network settings.

Alternatively, you can use DHCP to automatically configure your network settings. To do this, you’ll need to install the ‘dhclient’ package and run the following command:

$ sudo dhclient eth0

This will instruct your server to automatically obtn network settings from your DHCP server.

Step 3: Configure DNS Settings

After setting up your network connection settings, you’ll need to configure your DNS settings to ensure that your server can resolve domn names to IP addresses. You can do this by editing the ‘/etc/resolv.conf’ file and adding your preferred DNS servers:

$ sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf

In the file, add the IP addresses of your DNS servers on separate ‘nameserver’ lines, like this:



These servers are Google’s public DNS servers, but you can replace them with your own preferred DNS servers.

Step 4: Test Your Network Connection

Finally, you’ll need to test your network connection to make sure everything is set up properly. You can do this by pinging another device on your network or performing other network operations.

$ ping google.com

If your server can successfully ping the device or perform other network operations, then your network connection is set up correctly.


Configuring network connections on a Linux server may seem daunting at first, but with the right steps in place, it’s a strghtforward process. By performing these basic steps to configure your network settings, you can ensure that your server is properly connected to the network and ready for work.


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另一块网卡设置为hostonly(仅主机模式),同时在虚拟机中在之一块网卡上右键属性——高级,启用ICS(internet 连接共享),作用网卡为第二块对应仅主机穗亮镇模式的网卡(默认系统会修改这块键并网卡的ip地址为192.168.0.1)



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