How to Fix Linux Command Line Displaying Gibberish Characters? 如何解决Linux命令行显示乱码问题) (linux 调用命令行 乱码)

How to Fix Linux Command Line Displaying Gibberish Characters?


Linux command line is a powerful tool for system administration and troubleshooting. However, it can be frustrating when the command line shows gibberish characters instead of the expected output. This can happen due to various reasons such as incorrect locale settings, missing fonts, or incorrect terminal emulator settings. In this article, we will discuss some tips to fix Linux command line displaying gibberish characters.

Tip 1: Check Locale Settings

Locale settings define the character set used by the system to encode text. If the locale settings are incorrect, the command line may display gibberish characters. To check the current locale settings, type the following command in the terminal:




This will display the current locale settings. If the locale settings are incorrect, you can change them by using the following command:


sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales


This command will launch an interactive script that allows you to select the desired locale settings. Once you have selected the appropriate settings, reboot your system for the changes to take effect.

Tip 2: Install Missing Fonts

Sometimes the command line may display gibberish characters because the necessary fonts are missing. To check if the required fonts are installed, type the following command in the terminal:




This will display a list of all the fonts installed on your system. If the required font is missing, you can install it by using the following command:


sudo apt-get install font-name


Replace font-name with the name of the font that you wish to install. Once the font is installed, restart your terminal emulator for the changes to take effect.

Tip 3: Use Proper Terminal Emulator Settings

The terminal emulator you are using may not have the correct settings to display non-ASCII characters. To fix this, you can try changing the terminal emulator settings to use UTF-8 encoding. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Open the terminal emulator.

2. Click on the “Edit” menu and select “Profile Preferences”.

3. Click on the “General” tab and select “UTF-8” as the character encoding.

4. Click on the “Fonts” tab and select a font that supports the characters you need.

5. Click on the “Compatibility” tab and make sure that the “UTF-8” option is selected.

Once you have made these changes, test the command line to see if the issue has been resolved.

Tip 4: Use Unicode Characters

If you are working with non-ASCII characters, it is essential to use Unicode characters. Unicode is a universal character set that supports all languages and scripts. To use Unicode characters, you will need to ensure that your text editor, terminal emulator, and system locale settings support Unicode.


These are some tips for fixing the Linux command line displaying gibberish characters. Incorrect locale settings, missing fonts, and improper terminal emulator settings are the most common reasons for this issue. By following the tips discussed in this article, you can quickly troubleshoot this issue and have a functional Linux command line.


  • 为什么在win10上linux会出现乱码


win10中使用linu命令 步骤如下:点击屏幕左下并瞎角的Win图标,然后在弹出的菜单中选择“所有应用”

在所有绝没空应用中找到并展开 Windows PowerShell 文件夹,启动其下的 Windows PowerShell。

将会打开一个命令行窗口。然后,请察厅稍微等待一会,直到出现 PowerShell 命令提示符为止。

便可以输入 Linux 命令



感觉。 1、单击开始菜单,选择Settings菜单。 2、在settings对话框中单击Time&Language。


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location。 5、在Region对话框中单击Administrative选项卡。单击下面的Change system location。

6、在弹出的Region Settings对话框中的下拉列表中选择Chinese (Simplified,




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