How to Sync Your Linux Clock with NTP: A StepbyStep Guide(linuxntp)


Many Linux users may have experienced difficulties syncing their Linux Clock with NTP (Network Time Protocol). When this happens, the computer clock may display an incorrect time in the system tray, leading to issues with applications or other programs. To fix this issue, users need to sync the Linux clock with NTP servers. This guide will provide a stepbystep guide to sync Linux clock with NTP.

Firstly, the user must install the necessary packages needed to make use of the NTP protocol. To do this, they will need to use the terminal, so they should open up a console and enter the following command:

sudo apt-get install ntp

Once the installation has completed, it’s time to start configuring the clock. To do this, the user will need to edit the NTP configuration file using their preferred text editor. The file is located at /etc/ntp.conf; the user should open the file in their text editor and enter the following line at the bottom of the file:

server iburst

This will tell the system to connect to a public NTP server so it can sync the system clock. The user should then save the configuration file and exit the text editor.

After that, the user should now restart the NTP service using this command:

sudo service ntp restart

This will allow the system to start connecting to the public NTP server and sync its clock. The user should be aware that it may take some time for the system to sync its clock, so they should wait until they see the correct time displayed in the system tray.

If the user wishes to adjust the timezone on their system, they should use the time configuration utilities to make the properly change. To switch to a different timezone, the user should run this command:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

This will open up a menu where the user can select their required timezone. Once selected, the system should automatically switch to the correct timezone.

Finally, the user can configure the system to sync the clock automatically whenever they start their computer or laptop. This will ensure that the computer clock is always accurate. To do this, the user should open up their /etc/crontab file and add the following entry to it:

@reboot ntpdate

This will tell the system to sync the clock with the NTP server at boot.

Following these simple steps, users can easily sync their Linux Clock with NTP and make sure they’re never running on the wrong time.



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